There is something cool coming up later in November: the Boris Karloff Blogathon, which looks to be a lot of fun--
Beginning on November 23 — Karloff’s 122nd birthday — and on through the 29th, bloggers far and wide are invited to post something about Boris, his life and his wide-ranging career.
There is much to explore… His film work spanned five decades. He clocked some 75 films through the silent era before he landed and nailed the iconic part of The Monster in Frankenstein, a film that is almost 80 years old and still seen and admired. The sequel, The Bride of Frankenstein, is a motion picture classic. In his path through the history of horror films, Karloff collaborated with James Whale, Val Lewton, Mario Bava and Roger Corman. He proved equally at ease in all genres, including comedies.
Lots of participants listed!

In the meantime, what to write? What to write? Eventually I'll think of something (I always do), but in the meantime I'm open to suggestions. What do you want to read? What can you stand to read? Don't make me start writing some sort of half-assed memoir of my life as a Monster Kid.
Think about it. Post a comment. Help me out here.
*I had a GREAT idea for a mystery novel; unfortunately, as I began researching things I found someone had already written exactly the story I wanted to tell--Glint by Joseph Valentinetti, should you be interested. Such is life.
Thanks for mentioning my novel, Glint.
Joseph: you're most welcome. Thank YOU for writing it (I bought and read a copy a couple of months after I posted this).
Do I get a free, autographed copy now? jk!
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