Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy (Anti-) Valentine's Day!

Not that I'm cynical or anything; however, sums up my feelings precisely:

"Valentine's Day is like herpes: just when you think its gone for good, it rears its ugly head once more. No wonder some people prefer to call it VD."

And they have a lovely selection of Anti-Valentines to help the rest of us express ourselves.

Example 1, which in my case is horrifically accurate:

Example 2, with a double meaning (some might call it truth in advertising):

And Example 3, which I need to have emblazoned across the front of a sweatshirt:

The good news? Half-price candy everywhere after midnight tonight!


  1. Half-price candy everywhere after midnight tonight!


  2. Yeah, I think VD was instigated by the Hallmark and Hershey conglomerates. I spent the day pretty much alone (you know, tax season) and puttered on the compooter and around the house. So I guess I blew another day. But there's always Monday! God bless Uncle Sugar.
    If I sent you a box of chocolate next year, would it sweeten your view of Cupid? Then again chocolates sent by friends . . . well, you know. Actually instead of Cupid I think we should use the Greek "Eros". Now wouldn't that give some second thoughts to those that love the little (actually obese )winged sweetie pie?
